ytk smart construction

4.9 (13 reviews)
  • 202
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  • 132
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  • Last job completed
     2 days ago
  • Member since
  • RM3.5k
  • 83%
     job completion rate
  • 22
  • Usually responds in
     about 1 hour

With a passion for self-improvement and entity development, we strive to be your comprehensive partner in transforming your space. From an empty bare space to a complete home, we capture the construction work revealing the chronological uptakes, ensuring that every step of your project is executed with precision and excellence.

Our team consists of skilled professionals who are committed to providing top-notch services that meet and exceed your expectations. Whether you require house painting/wall painting, handyman contracting, plumbing services, door installation and supplies, floor repair and polishing, or tile supplies, we have the expertise to deliver outstanding results.

Why choose Ytk Smart Construction?

1. Experienced and Dedicated Team: Our team of experts has years of experience in the industry, ensuring that your project is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

2. Attention to Detail: We pay attention to the smallest details, ensuring that every aspect of your project is executed flawlessly, from planning to completion.

3. Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of timely completion, and we strive to deliver projects within the agreed-upon timeframe without compromising on quality.

4. Quality Workmanship: We take pride in our workmanship and strive for excellence in every project we undertake. Your satisfaction is our priority.

At Ytk Smart Construction, we believe in building lasting relationships with our clients based on trust, integrity, and exceptional service. Contact us today to discuss your home improvement needs and experience the Ytk difference.

Service Categories: House Painting/Wall Painting, Handyman Contractor, Plumber, Door Installer and Supplier, Floor Repair and Polish, Tile Supplier
Service Areas: Shah Alam, Cyberjaya, Bukit Jalil, KLCC, Bangsar South, Bangi


Dengan semangat untuk memperbaiki diri dan pembangunan entiti, kami berusaha menjadi rakan komprehensif anda dalam mentransformasi ruang anda. Dari ruang kosong kepada rumah lengkap, kami mengabadikan kerja pembinaan yang mengungkapkan peningkatan kronologikal, memastikan setiap langkah projek anda dilaksanakan dengan tepat dan cemerlang.

Pasukan kami terdiri daripada profesional terlatih yang berkomitmen untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan terbaik yang memenuhi dan melampaui harapan anda. Sama ada anda memerlukan cat rumah/cat dinding, kontraktor orang gaji, perkhidmatan paip, pemasangan dan bekalan pintu, pembaikan dan pengilatan lantai, atau bekalan jubin, kami mempunyai kepakaran untuk memberikan hasil yang cemerlang.

Kenapa pilih Ytk Smart Construction?

1. Pasukan Berpengalaman dan Dedikasi: Pasukan pakar kami mempunyai pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam industri ini, memastikan projek anda diurus dengan penuh berhati-hati dan profesionalisme.

2. Perhatian Terhadap Perincian: Kami memberi perhatian kepada perincian terkecil, memastikan setiap aspek projek anda dilaksanakan dengan sempurna, dari perancangan hingga penyelesaian.

3. Penyerahan Tepat Masa: Kami memahami kepentingan penyelesaian tepat masa, dan kami berusaha untuk menyampaikan projek dalam jangka masa yang dipersetujui tanpa mengorbankan kualiti.

4. Kemahiran Kerja Berkualiti: Kami bangga dengan kemahiran kerja kami dan berusaha untuk keunggulan dalam setiap projek yang kami ambil. Kepuasan anda adalah keutamaan kami.

Di Ytk Smart Construction, kami percaya dalam membina hubungan yang berkekalan dengan pelanggan kami berdasarkan kepercayaan, integriti, dan perkhidmatan yang luar biasa. Hubungi kami hari ini untuk membincangkan keperluan penambahbaikan rumah anda dan rasai perbezaan Ytk.

Kategori Perkhidmatan: Cat Rumah/Cat Dinding, Kontraktor Orang Gaji, Tukang Paip, Pemasang dan Pembekal Pintu, Pembaikan dan Pengilatan Lantai, Pembekal Jubin
Kawasan Perkhidmatan: Shah Alam, Cyberjaya, Bukit Jalil, KLCC, Bangsar South, Bangi

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4.9 (based on 13 reviews)


Vijay27 December 2023, 17:59

Excellent workmanship and very efficient

Medium ytk company logo ytk smart construction 28 December 2023, 16:44

Thank you for your kind review๐Ÿ™


Edy 23 December 2023, 12:14

Superb service! Very fast response will definitely call them again for maintenance

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Responsive
Medium ytk company logo ytk smart construction 23 December 2023, 12:16

Thank you ๐Ÿ™


Edy 23 December 2023, 12:00

Really good Service for a reasonable price

Reasonable Price Excellent Service Fast And Efficient
Medium ytk company logo ytk smart construction 23 December 2023, 12:17

Thank you ๐Ÿ™

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